Dedication to community regeneration has seen Bramall become one of the country’s most forward-thinking construction companies. Bramall Construction is an expert in Passivhaus buildings and has a dedicated team who lead the way with the latest industry knowledge.
Bramall is building the new homes on the Wimbish development to a set of exemplary industry standards as specified by client Hastoe including; Level 4 of the Code for Sustainable Homes, the Homes and Communities Agency’s Design and Quality Standards and Strategy, the Joseph Rowntree Foundation standard Lifetime Homes and the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment’s Building for Life standard.
An innovative culture and partnering ethos enabled Bramall to develop the first Code for Sustainable Homes Level 4 houses and Bramall have recently completed a state of the art Code Level 6 site. Bramall Construction is part of the Keepmoat group of companies.